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Consumer behavior, , и . Dryden Pr., Chicago u.a., 6. ed издание, (1990)Consumer behavior, и . Holt-Saunders international editions Dryden Press, Chicago u.a., 4. ed издание, (1982)Consumer behavior, и . Dryden Press series in marketing Dryden Press, Chicago u.a., 5. ed издание, (1986)Consumer behavior, , и . Harcourt College Publ., Fort Worth, Tex. u.a., 9. ed издание, (2001)Promotional strategy, , и . Irwin, Homewood, Ill., 5. ed издание, (1983)Contemporary cases in consumer behavior, , и . Dryden Press, Chicago, Ill. u.a., 3. ed издание, (1990)Consumer behavior, , и . The Dryden Press series in marketing Dryden Press, Forth Worth, Tex. u.a., 8. ed издание, (1995)Consumer behavior, , и . Holt-Saunders international editions Dryden Press, Hinsdale, Ill., 3. ed издание, (1978)Cases in consumer behavior, , и . Holt, Rinehart and Winston marketing series Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, (1969)