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Integrating Learning Processes across Boundaries of Media, Time and Group Scale.. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2 (1): 31-49 (2007)Patterns in Productive Online Networks: Roles, Interactions, and Communication., и . Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, (2014)A Flexible Multi-mode Undo Mechanism for a Collaborative Modeling Environment., , и . CRIWG, том 5784 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 142-157. Springer, (2009)Awareness of Complementary Knowledge in CSCL: Impact on Learners' Knowledge Exchange in Small Groups., , , и . CRIWG/CollabTech, том 11677 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 3-16. Springer, (2019)Predicting the Well-functioning of Learning Groups under Privacy Restrictions., , и . LAK, стр. 245-249. ACM, (2019)C-TORI: An Interface for Cooperative Database Retrieval., и . DEXA, том 856 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 103-113. Springer, (1994)Predictive Knowledge Modeling in Collaborative Inquiry Learning Scenarios., , и . AIED, том 9112 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 706-709. Springer, (2015)ESA-T2N: A Novel Approach to Network-Text Analysis., , и . COMPLEX NETWORKS (2), том 882 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, стр. 129-139. Springer, (2019)Museumsführungen mit Mobilogue - einem Werkzeug zur Erstellung und Ausführung von mobilen Lernszenarien., , и . DeLFI, том P-218 из LNI, стр. 59-70. GI, (2013)Reflexionsunterstützung in Verbindung mit immersiven 3D-Lernumgebungen., , , и . DeLFI, том P-207 из LNI, стр. 213-218. GI, (2012)