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Image matching in Bayer RAW domain to remove ghosting in multi-exposure image fusion., , и . ICCE, стр. 37-38. IEEE, (2014)Image matching in Bayer raw domain to de-noise low-light still images, optimized for real-time implementation., , и . Computational Imaging, том 9020 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 90200Y. IS&T/SPIE, (2014)Novel image processing algorithms and methods for improving their robustness and operational performance.. Loughborough University, UK, (2014)British Library, EThOS.The Blessing of Dimensionality: Separation Theorems in the Thermodynamic Limit., , и . CoRR, (2016)Knowledge Transfer Between Artificial Intelligence Systems., , , и . CoRR, (2017)Learning optimization for decision tree classification of non-categorical data with information gain impurity criterion., , , , , и . IJCNN, стр. 3548-3555. IEEE, (2014)Block matching noise reduction method for photographic images applied in Bayer RAW domain and optimized for real-time implementation., , и . Real-Time Image and Video Processing, том 8437 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 84370F. SPIE, (2012)Spatial-temporal noise reduction method optimized for real-time implementation., , и . Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, том 8655 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 86550L. SPIE, (2013)Scene analysis assisting for AWB using binary decision trees and average image metrics., , , и . ICCE, стр. 480-483. IEEE, (2014)