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How Does the Definition of Tracking Errors Affect the Behavior of Vehicle Lateral Control?, , , и . ITSC, стр. 2640-2645. IEEE, (2023)Qualitative Localization using Vision and Odometry for Path Following in Topo-metric Maps., , и . ECMR, стр. 303-308. Learning Systems Lab, AASS, Örebro University, (2011)Parallax beam: a vision-based motion estimation method robust to nearly planar scenes., , , и . J. Electronic Imaging, 28 (2): 023030 (2019)Incremental topo-metric SLAM using vision and robot odometry., и . ICRA, стр. 4067-4073. IEEE, (2011)Characterization of the impact of visual odometry drift on the control of an autonomous vehicle., , , , , и . IV, стр. 2037-2043. IEEE, (2020)A Light Visual Mapping and Navigation Framework for Low-Cost Robots., , и . J. Intell. Syst., 24 (4): 505-524 (2015)Combining Odometry and Visual Loop-Closure Detection for Consistent Topo-Metrical Mapping., и . RAIRO Oper. Res., 44 (4): 365-377 (2010)Real-time depth and inertial fusion for local SLAM on dynamic legged robots., , , и . MFI, стр. 259-264. IEEE, (2015)Reactive trotting with foot placement corrections through visual pattern classification., , , , и . IROS, стр. 5734-5741. IEEE, (2015)