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Brittle systems will break - not bend: can aspect-oriented programming help?

, , , , and . ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, page 79-86. ACM, (2002)

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The impact of transient traffic on mobile, ad-hoc routing., , and . PE-WASUN, page 189-196. ACM, (2005)Tralfamadore: unifying source code and execution experience., , , , and . EuroSys, page 199-204. ACM, (2009)Some Issues for Single Address Space Systems., , and . Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems, page 150-154. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Topology Sensitive Replica Selection., , and . SRDS, page 18-28. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Non-intrusive, dynamic interference detection for 802.11 networks., , , and . Internet Measurement Conference, page 377-383. ACM, (2009)Realistic Mobility for Mobile Ad Hoc Network Simulation., , and . ADHOC-NOW, volume 3158 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 324-329. Springer, (2004)Trade: Cooperation without Trust in 802.11 Networks., and . HotMobile, page 58-63. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Elephant: The File System That Never Forgets., , , and . Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, page 2-7. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Using Idle Workstations to Implement Predictive Prefetching., , , and . HPDC, page 87-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Brittle systems will break - not bend: can aspect-oriented programming help?, , , , and . ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, page 79-86. ACM, (2002)