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A simulation-based welfare loss calculation for labor taxes with piecewise-linear budgets

, and . Journal of Public Economics, 88 (11): 2339--2359 (September 2004)

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A simulation-based welfare loss calculation for labor taxes with piecewise-linear budgets, and . Journal of Public Economics, 88 (11): 2339--2359 (September 2004)Environmental controls, scarcity rents, and pre-existing distortions, and . Journal of Public Economics, 80 (2): 249--267 (May 2001)Replacing the U.S. income tax with a progressive consumption tax : A sequenced general equilibrium approach, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 20 (1): 3--23 (February 1983)On the possibility of an inverse relationship between tax rates and government revenues. Journal of Public Economics, 19 (1): 3--22 (October 1982)Who bears the lifetime tax burden?, and . Brookings Inst., Washington, DC, (1993)Garbage, recycling, and illicit burning or dumping, and . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1993)Environmental costs paid by the polluter or the beneficiary?, and . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1993)Tax evasion and the allocation of capital, and . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1993)Distributional effects on a lifetime basis, and . NBER working paper series Nat. Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)Tax evasion and the allocation of capital, and . Journal of Public Economics, 55 (2): 257--278 (October 1994)