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Local Dependence and Guarding., , и . AiML, стр. 135-154. College Publications, (2022)The Tree of Knowledge in Action: Towards a Common Perspective., и . Advances in Modal Logic, стр. 87-106. College Publications, (2006)Evidence Logic: A New Look at Neighborhood Structures., , и . Advances in Modal Logic, стр. 97-118. College Publications, (2012)'On Being Informed': Update Logics for Knowledge States.. JELIA, том 1919 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1. Springer, (2000)Modal logic: a semantic perspective., и . Handbook of Modal Logic, том 3 из Studies in logic and practical reasoning, North-Holland, (2007)The logic of time - a model-theoretic investigation into the varieties of temporal ontology and temporal discourse, 2nd Edition.. Synthese library Kluwer, (1991)Toward a Dynamic Logic of Questions., и . J. Philosophical Logic, 41 (4): 633-669 (2012)Lindström theorems for fragments of first-order logic, , и . Logical Methods in Computer Science, (2009)Exploring a theory of play.. TARK, стр. 12-16. ACM, (2011)Decisions, Actions, and Games: A Logical Perspective.. ICLA, том 5378 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-22. Springer, (2009)