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Deep Learning Approach for Cost and Storage Optimization of Video Streaming in Cloud Environments., , и . SmartCloud, стр. 80-85. IEEE, (2023)Cost Efficient Repository Management for Cloud-Based On-Demand Video Streaming., , , и . CoRR, (2020)Deep Learning-Enabled Efficient Storage and Retrieval of Video Streams in the Cloud., , и . SmartCloud, стр. 99-104. IEEE, (2023)Machine Learning Technique Predicting Video Streaming Views to Reduce Cost of Cloud Services.. WF-IoT, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2022)Efficient Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks on FPGA., , , , и . AICAS, стр. 233-237. IEEE, (2024)A Survey on the power and robustness of FinFET SRAM., , и . MWSCAS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2016)Optimizing QoE in IoT-Based Video Streaming through Deep Learning Algorithms., , и . ICAIIC, стр. 52-57. IEEE, (2024)Deep Learning-Driven Video Summarization on the Cloud: A Pathway to Efficient Storage and Quick Access., , , и . MCSoC, стр. 360-365. IEEE, (2023)Enhancing Cloud-Based Video Streaming Efficiency using Neural Networks., , , и . COINS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2023)Homeland security video surveillance system utilising the internet of video things for smart cities., , , и . IET Comput. Digit. Tech., 15 (4): 302-319 (2021)