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A speech-driven embodied entrainment wall picture system for supporting virtual communication., and . IUCS, volume 398 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 309-314. ACM, (2009)Development of a Virtual Arm Wrestling System for Force Display Communication Analysis., and . J. Robotics Mechatronics, 20 (6): 872-879 (2008)Analysis and synthesis of facial color for the affect display of virtual facial image under fearful emotion., and . AMT, page 219-224. IEEE, (2005)Development of an Interface that Expresses Twinkling Eyes by Superimposing Human Shadows on Pupils., , and . HCI (42), volume 12424 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 271-279. Springer, (2020)Hand-Raising Robot for Promoting Active Participation in Classrooms., , , and . HCI (5), volume 9173 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 275-284. Springer, (2015)Development of a Speech-Driven Communication Support System Using a Smartwatch with Vibratory Nodding Responses., , , and . HCI (5), volume 14015 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 370-378. Springer, (2023)Time delay effects of utterance to communicative actions on greeting interaction by using a voice-driven embodied interaction system., and . CIRA, page 217-222. IEEE, (2003)Effects of delayed presentation of self-embodied avatar motion with network delay., , and . IUCS, page 262-267. IEEE, (2010)A Virtual Audience System for Enhancing Embodied Interaction Based on Conversational Activity., , and . HCI (12), volume 6772 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 180-189. Springer, (2011)Three Key Challenges in ARM-COMS for Entrainment Effect Acceleration in Remote Communication., and . HCI (12), volume 8521 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 177-186. Springer, (2014)