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Atomic-SDN: Is Synchronous Flooding the Solution to Software-Defined Networking in IoT?, , , , , , и . IEEE Access, (2019)Towards a true energetically sustainable WSN: A case study with prediction-based data collection and a wake-up receiver., , , , и . SIES, стр. 21-28. IEEE, (2014)From Energy Efficient to Energy Neutral Wireless Sensor Networks.. University of Trento, Italy, (2015)Localization of WSNs using a Location-Unaware UAV., и . ICC, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2019)Demo: Synchronous Transmission Based Flooding over Bluetooth 5.0 for Industrial Wireless Applications., , , , и . EWSN, стр. 270-272. ACM, (2019)ARCH: A dual-mode fairness-driven AQM for promoting cooperative behaviour in best effort Internet., , , и . IET Networks, 8 (6): 372-380 (2019)Content Centric Cross-Layer Scheduling for Industrial IoT Applications Using 6TiSCH., , , , и . IEEE Access, (2018)Poster: Atomic-SDN: A Synchronous Flooding Framework for SDN Control of Low-Power Wireless., , , , , и . EWSN, стр. 206-207. ACM, (2019)Tiny but Mighty: Embedded Machine Learning for Indoor Wireless Localization., , и . CCNC, стр. 176-181. IEEE, (2023)Application-aware techniques for energy efficient data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks.. PerCom Workshops, стр. 564-565. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)