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Simulating heavy tailed processes using delayed hazard rate twisting (extended abstract)., и . SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev., 27 (3): 20-22 (1999)A large deviations perspective on the efficiency of multilevel splitting., , , и . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 43 (12): 1666-1679 (1998)Simulating GI/GI/1 queues and insurance risk processes with subexponential distributions., и . WSC, стр. 656-665. WSC, (2000)Rare Event Simulation in Stochastic Models.. WSC, стр. 178-185. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Estimation of reliability and its derivatives for large time horizons in Markovian systems., и . WSC, стр. 422-429. ACM Press, (1993)Splitting for Rare Event Simulation: Analysis of Simple Cases., , , и . WSC, стр. 302-308. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Simultaneous and Efficient Simulation of Highly Dependable Systems with Different Underlying Distributions., , и . WSC, стр. 458-465. ACM Press, (1992)Varaince reduction in mean time to failure simulations (1988)., , , , и . WSC, стр. 6. WSC, (2007)Fast Simulation of Packet Loss Rates in a Shared Buffer Communications Switch., , и . ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 5 (4): 306-325 (1995)Fast Simulation of Markovian Reliability/Availability Models with General Repair Policies., и . FTCS, стр. 150-159. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)