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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Contrastive Counterfactual Visual Explanations With Overdetermination., , , , , , und . CoRR, (2021)Classification and Visualisation of Normal and Abnormal Radiographs; A Comparison between Eleven Convolutional Neural Network Architectures., , , , , und . Sensors, 21 (16): 5381 (2021)Evaluation of Colour Pre-processing on Patch-Based Classification of H&E-Stained Images., , und . ECDP, Volume 11435 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 56-64. Springer, (2019)Improved CTA Coronary Segmentation with a Volume-Specific Intensity Threshold., , , , und . MIUA, Volume 723 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 207-218. Springer, (2017)Image Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Chagas Disease Detection and Identification., , , , , und . MIUA (1), Volume 14859 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 202-216. Springer, (2024)Automated Segmentation of HeLa Nuclear Envelope from Electron Microscopy Images., , , , , und . MIUA, Volume 894 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 241-250. Springer, (2018)Privacy vs Utility analysis when applying Differential Privacy on Machine Learning Classifiers., , , und . WiMob, Seite 306-311. IEEE, (2023)Volumetric Semantic Instance Segmentation of the Plasma Membrane of HeLa Cells., , und . J. Imaging, 7 (6): 93 (2021)Impact of Training Data, Ground Truth and Shape Variability in the Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation of HeLa Cells Observed with Electron Microscopy., , und . J. Imaging, 9 (3): 59 (2023)Computational Image Analysis Techniques, Programming Languages and Software Platforms Used in Cancer Research: A Scoping Review., und . MIUA, Volume 13413 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 833-847. Springer, (2022)