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JVRMol: a low cost java-based distributed virtual environment for protein molecule analysis and visualization.

, , , and . VRCAI, page 72-74. ACM, (2004)

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A LSTM Recurrent Neural Network Implementation for Classifying Entities on Brazilian Legal Documents., and . ICCSA (2), volume 12950 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 648-656. Springer, (2021)Managing large scale virtual environments using portals., , , and . VRCAI, page 459-462. ACM, (2004)Uma Experiência com a Utilização de Sistemas ERP para Auxiliar a Aquisição de Conhecimento sobre Processos de Negócio em um Curso de Bacharelado em Administração An Experiment with the ERP Systems usage to assist the Knowledge Acquisition of Business Processes in Bachelors on Business Administration Course., and . SBSI, page 587-594. ACM, (2015)A virtual reality environment to support chat rooms for hearing impaired and to teach Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS)., , , , and . AICCSA, page 433-440. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Information visualization: using virtual reality techniques in the three-dimensional representation of data from a medical images database., , , , , and . VRCAI, page 152-154. ACM, (2004)ARISupport - Interaction Support for Augmented Reality Systems., , , , and . ISVC, volume 3804 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 329-336. Springer, (2005)The Generation of Scenes in Mixed Reality Environments using the Chromakey Technique., , , and . ICAT, page 296-297. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Virtual reality for medical training: a prototype to simulate breast aspiration exam., , , , , and . VRCAI, page 328-331. ACM, (2004)JVRMol: a low cost java-based distributed virtual environment for protein molecule analysis and visualization., , , and . VRCAI, page 72-74. ACM, (2004)A motion capture system using passive markers., , , and . VRCAI, page 440-447. ACM, (2004)