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Kernelized rank learning for personalized drug recommendation., , и . Bioinform., 34 (16): 2808-2816 (2018)Impact of Single Amino Acid Substitution Upon Protein Structure., , и . BIOINFORMATICS, стр. 123-129. SciTePress, (2014)Combining Protein Fragment Feature-Based Resampling and Local Optimisation., , и . PRIB, том 7986 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 114-125. Springer, (2013)Towards sequence-based prediction of mutation-induced stability changes in unseen non-homologous proteins., , и . BMC Genom., 15 (S-1): S4 (2014)Generic Parallel Genetic Algorithm Framework for Protein Optimisation., , и . ICA3PP (2), том 7017 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 64-73. Springer, (2011)