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Fast Multi-Step Optimization with Deep Learning for Data-Centric Supercomputing., , , , , и . HP3C, стр. 7-13. ACM, (2020)Evaluation of impact by control switching according to driving environment., , , и . SICE, стр. 521-526. IEEE, (2022)Analysis and Modeling of Traffic Participants Considering Interactions at Intersections Without Traffic Signals., , , , , и . SII, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Model Predictive Collision Avoidance for Non-Convex Environment Using Projected C-Space., , , и . SII, стр. 525-530. IEEE, (2022)Proposal and evaluation of reference-free model predictive control incorporating human-like driving features., , и . ITSC, стр. 1900-1906. IEEE, (2022)Model Predictive Path Planning for Autonomous Parking Based on Projected C-Space., , , и . ITSC, стр. 929-935. IEEE, (2021)Closing the Gap Between Query and Database through Query Feature Transformation in C2C e-Commerce Visual Search., , , и . eCOM@SIGIR, том 2410 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2019)Maximum likelihood estimation of Departure and Travel Time of Individual Vehicle using statistics and dynamic programming., , , , , и . ITSC, стр. 1674-1679. IEEE, (2013)Image categorization by a classifier based on probabilistic topic model., и . ICPR, стр. 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Data based construction of Bayesian Network for fault diagnosis of event-driven systems., , и . CASE, стр. 508-514. IEEE, (2012)