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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Triangulation error resistive modelling and 3D shape processing., und . ISSPA, Seite 799-802. IEEE, (2005)High-Precision Geometric Modeling of 3D Artifacts for Virtual Restoration., , , und . VECIMS, Seite 136-141. IEEE, (2006)Topologically robust reconstruction of a 3d object with organized meshingd., und . ICINCO, Seite 154-159. INSTICC Press, (2005)Personal Authentication Using Feature Points on Finger and Palmar Creases., und . AIPR, Seite 282-288. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Use of Three-Dimensional Templates for Multiple Skeletons., und . MVA, Seite 293-296. (1994)High-Density Scanning Combined with Digital Image of Real Objects for Complete Reproduction of Cultural Artifacts., , und . MFI, Seite 341-346. IEEE, (2006)Precise modeling of archeological artifacts., , , , , , und . GRAPP, Seite 331-334. INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, (2006)Reuse of a Geometric Model for Shape Approximation., , , , und . IRI, Seite 174-179. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2004)Time-of-Reduction-Recovery Predicton in Neural Networks of Variable Topology to Improve Enzyme Classification., , und . NC, Seite 365-370. ICSC Academic Press, International Computer Science Conventions, Canada / Switzerland, (1998)Topology conserved 3D reconstruction and shape processing for reuse of the geometric models., , und . IRI, Seite 410-414. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2005)