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Uma Proposta de Ferramenta para Execução Descentralizada de Processos de Software., и . SBQS, стр. 341-355. SBC, (2007)Apoio à Reutilização de Processos de Software em um Ambiente de Engenharia de Software Centrado em Processo., , , , и . SBQS, стр. 247-261. SBC, (2011)Automated support for human resource allocation in software process by cluster analysis., , , и . RSSE@ICSE, стр. 30-31. ACM, (2014)An Empirical Approach for the Assessment of Scheduling Risk in a Large Globally Distributed Industrial Software Project., и . ICGSE, стр. 341-346. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Risk assessment on distributed software projects.. ICSE (2), стр. 349-350. ACM, (2010)978-1-60558-719-6.Software Process Lines: A Systematic Literature Review., , , и . SPICE, том 477 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 118-130. Springer, (2014)Systematic Literature Review on the Characteristics of Agile Project Management in the Context of Maturity Models., , , и . SPICE, том 477 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 177-189. Springer, (2014)Integração entre Ferramentas de Gerência de Projetos Utilizando XML., , , и . SBSI, стр. 184-195. (2014)Um Mapeamento das Startups de Tecnologia de Belém, Pará, Brazil., , и . AMCIS, Association for Information Systems, (2017)Empirical Evidence of Factors Influencing Project Context in Distributed Software Projects., , и . CSD@ICSE, стр. 6-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)