Autor der Publikation

The OpenKnowledge System: An Interaction-Centered Approach to Knowledge Sharing.

, , , , , und . OTM Conferences (1), Volume 4803 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 381-390. Springer, (2007)

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pNear: combining Content Clustering and Distributed Hash Tables.. P2PKM, Volume 147 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2005)Bibster - A Semantics-Based Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System, , , , , , , , , und 2 andere Autor(en). Journal of Web Semantics, 2 (1): 6 (2005)µRoute: Expertise-Based Selection using Shared Term Similarity Matrices., und . BNAIC, Seite 202-208. Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, (2005)Bibster - A Semantics-Based Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System, , , , , , , , , und 2 andere Autor(en). Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer, (2006)MARVIN: distributed reasoning over large-scale Semantic Web data, , , , , und . Journal of Web Semantics, (2009)Ranking Agent Statements for Building Evolving Ontologies, und . Proceedings of the AAAI-02 workshop on meaning negotiation, Alberta, Canada, (2002)Rarity-based routing in peer-to-peer networks, und . COPS Workshop at IEEE WETICE, Paris, France, (2007)pRoute: Peer selection using shared term similarity matrices, und . Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 5 (1): 89-107 (2007)The OpenKnowledge Kernel, , , und . Proceedings of the XXI Intl. Conference on Computer, Information and Systems Science, Vienna, Austria, (2007)Scalable discovery of private resources., und . SecureComm, Seite 73-82. IEEE, (2007)