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Filtering of nonlinear time-series coupled by fractional Gaussian processes., , and . CAMSAP, page 489-492. IEEE, (2015)Non-centralized target tracking in networks of directional sensors: Further advances., and . CAMSAP, page 85-88. IEEE, (2011)Distributed Bayesian Estimation of Linear Models With Unknown Observation Covariances., and . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 64 (8): 1962-1971 (2016)Gaussian sum particle filtering., and . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 51 (10): 2602-2612 (2003)Direct Wideband Coherent Localization by Distributed Antenna Arrays., , , and . Sensors, 19 (20): 4582 (2019)A Recursive Bayesian Solution for the Excess Over Threshold Distribution with Stochastic Parameters., and . ICASSP, page 8439-8443. IEEE, (2020)Sequential Monte Carlo sampling detector for Rayleigh fast-fading channels., and . ICASSP, page 61-64. IEEE, (2000)On Measuring Doppler Shifts between Tags in a Backscattering Tag-to-Tag Network with Applications in Tracking., , , , , , and . ICASSP, page 9055-9059. IEEE, (2020)Estimation of ARMA state processes by particle filtering., and . ICASSP, page 8033-8037. IEEE, (2014)An efficient Bayes solution to AR signal modelling for short sequences., and . ICASSP (4), page 345-348. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)