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CD-HIT Workflow Execution on Grids Using Replication Heuristics., , , und . CCGRID, Seite 735-740. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)A Model for Efficient Onboard Actualization of an Instrumental Cyclogram for the Mars MetNet Mission on a Public Cloud Infrastructure., , , und . PARA (1), Volume 7133 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 33-42. Springer, (2010)NGScloud: RNA-seq analysis of non-model species using cloud computing., , und . Bioinform., 34 (19): 3405-3407 (2018)Replication Heuristics for Efficient Workflow Execution on Grids., , , und . OTM Workshops (1), Volume 4805 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 31-32. Springer, (2007)Execution of a Bioinformatics Application in a Joint IRISGrid/EGEE Testbed., , , und . PPAM, Volume 3911 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 831-838. Springer, (2005)Autonomic management of elastic services in the cloud., , , und . ISCC, Seite 135-140. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Workflow Management in a Protein Clustering Application., , , und . CCGRID, Seite 679-684. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)iCanCloud: A Flexible and Scalable Cloud Infrastructure Simulator., , , , , und . J. Grid Comput., 10 (1): 185-209 (2012)Comparison of Admission Control Policies for Service Provision in public Clouds., , und . PARCO, Volume 22 von Advances in Parallel Computing, Seite 19-28. IOS Press, (2011)A Comparative Analysis Between EGEE and GridWay Workload Management Systems., , , und . OTM Conferences (2), Volume 4276 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 1143-1151. Springer, (2006)