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Evidence on the capitalized value of merger activity for acquiring firms

, and . Journal of Financial Economics, 11 (1-4): 85--119 (April 1983)

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Evidence on the capitalized value of merger activity for acquiring firms, and . Journal of Financial Economics, 11 (1-4): 85--119 (April 1983)Financial Reporting for Pollution Reduction Programs., , , and . Manag. Sci., 66 (12): 6015-6041 (2020)Costs of Equity and Earnings Attributes, , , and . The Accounting Review, 79 (4): 967-1010 (October 2004)Effects of recontracting on shareholder wealth : The case of voluntary spin-offs, and . Journal of Financial Economics, 12 (4): 437--467 (December 1983)Wealth effects of going private for senior securities, , and . Journal of Financial Economics, 23 (1): 155--191 (June 1989)A comparison of equity carve-outs and seasoned equity offerings : Share price effects and corporate restructuring, and . Journal of Financial Economics, 15 (1-2): 153--186 (00 1986)