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Wide band edge-coupled impedance matching network with quarter wavelength measurement circuit., и . NORCAS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Opportunistic source-pair selection for multi-user two-way amplify-and-forward wireless relaying networks., , и . IET Commun., 10 (16): 2106-2118 (2016)A Wideband CMOS Power Amplifier with Integrated Digital Linearizer and Tunable Transformer., , , , , и . APCCAS, стр. 145-148. IEEE, (2021)An SRFT Tool to Design Broadband Microwave Amplifiers with Customized Objective Functions., , и . ICECS, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2023)Block size effect on image compression using SYMPES method., , и . SIU, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2017)A GaN Microwave Power Amplifier Design Based on the Source/Load Pull Impedance Modeling via Virtual Gain Optimization., , и . IEEE Access, (2022)Reflectance data model with mixed lumped and distributed elements for wireless communication systems., , , и . ECCTD, стр. 289-292. IEEE, (2005)Filter Design in Richards Domain for 5G Communication Systems., , и . SIU, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2024)High Precision Synthesis of a Richards Immittance Via Parametric Approach., , , и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 61-I (4): 1055-1067 (2014)A 1.1-to-2.7 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier with Digitally-Reconfigurable-Impedance Matching-Network (DRIMN) for Wideband Performance optimization., , , , , и . PRIME, стр. 153-156. IEEE, (2022)