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On the cumulative effect of bloat and genetic transposition on the efficiency of incremental evolution of snake-like robot.

, , and . GECCO, page 161-168. ACM, (2012)

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Incremental genetic programming via genetic transposition., , and . GECCO (Companion), page 19-20. ACM, (2011)Evolution and Analysis of a Robot Controller Based on a Gene Regulatory Network., , , and . ICES, volume 6274 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 61-72. Springer, (2010)Genetic transposition inspired incremental genetic programming for efficient coevolution of locomotion and sensing of simulated snake-like robot., , and . ECAL, page 439-446. MIT Press, (2011)Evolutionary Optimization of Pheromone-Based Stigmergic Communication., , and . EvoApplications, volume 7248 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 63-72. Springer, (2012)The input pattern order problem II: Evolution of multiple-output circuits in hardware., , , and . WEAH, page 32-38. IEEE, (2009)Incremental evolution of fast moving and sensing simulated snake-like robot with multiobjective GP and strongly-typed crossover., , and . Memetic Computing, 4 (3): 183-200 (2012)Fitness functions for the unconstrained evolution of digital circuits., , , , and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 2584-2591. IEEE, (2008)Image compression of natural images using artificial gene regulatory networks., , , and . GECCO, page 595-602. ACM, (2010)On the cumulative effect of bloat and genetic transposition on the efficiency of incremental evolution of snake-like robot., , and . GECCO, page 161-168. ACM, (2012)On the properties of artificial development and its use in evolvable hardware., , , and . ALIFE, page 108-115. IEEE, (2009)