Author of the publication

Creating Quantitative Goal Models: Governmental Experience.

, , , , , , , and . ER, volume 8824 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 466-473. Springer, (2014)

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Goal Modeling Education with GRL: Experience Report.. iStar, volume 1402 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 1-6., (2015)Consistency Analysis for User Requirements Notation Models., , , , and . iStar, volume 1674 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 43-48., (2016)Towards systems for increased access to justice using goal modeling., and . RELAW, page 33-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)3rd Workshop on Software Techniques for Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems., , and . CASCON, page 222-223. ACM, (2023)Generating Scenarios from Use Case Map Specifications., , , and . QSIC, page 108-115. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Tool support for combined rule-based and goal-based reasoning in Context-Aware systems., , and . RE, page 335-336. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Goal Model Integration: Advanced Relationships and Rationales Documentation., and . SAM, volume 11753 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 183-199. Springer, (2019)Legal requirements analysis and modeling with the measured compliance profile for the goal-oriented requirement language., , and . RELAW, page 53-56. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Refactoring-Safe Modeling of Aspect-Oriented Scenarios., , and . MoDELS, volume 5795 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 286-300. Springer, (2009)Modeling and detecting semantic-based interactions in aspect-oriented scenarios., , and . Requir. Eng., 15 (2): 197-214 (2010)