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Digital Governance and Individuals' Empowerment: a Conceptual Framework and Some Preliminary Results., и . ICEGOV, стр. 136-139. ACM, (2017)Cross-Boundary Information Sharing and the Nuances of Financial Market Regulation: Towards a Research Agenda., , , , и . ICEGOV, стр. 133-142. ACM, (2018)Open government 2.0: citizen empowerment through open data, web and mobile apps., , , , и . ICEGOV, стр. 30-33. ACM, (2012)Modeling the Roles of Leadership for Inter-organizational Information Sharing and Integration Success., , и . DG.O, стр. 146-154. ACM, (2016)The Smart Cities and Smart Government Research-Practice (SCSGRP) Consortium Workshop., , и . DG.O, стр. 546-547. ACM, (2016)Determinants of Cross-boundary Information Sharing Success: Comparing Intra-agency, Inter-agency, and Cross-sectoral Collaboration Initiatives., , и . DG.O, стр. 138-146. ACM, (2020)Using partial least squares (PLS) for digital government research.. DG.O, стр. 261-262. Digital Government Research Center, (2010)Inter-organizational collaboration and performance of state e-government portals in Mexico: a progress report., , , , и . DG.O, стр. 287-288. ACM, (2012)Towards a Socio-Technical Framework for Bridging the Digital Divide in Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response: Integrating User Adoption, Heterogeneous Wide-Area Networks, and Advanced Data Science., , , и . DG.O, стр. 362-369. ACM, (2019)The value of low cost technologies: proposing a business model for SMS-based government services., , и . DG.O, стр. 312-313. ACM, (2015)