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The Jungle Warm-Up Run: Augmenting Athletes with Coach-Guided Dynamic Game Elements., , , и . AHs, стр. 20:1-20:12. ACM, (2020)DriveSense: Contextual handling of large-scale route map data for the automobile., , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 87-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)In the Hand of the Beholder: Comparing Interactive Proof Visualizations., , , , , и . Description Logics, том 2954 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2021)The Design of Informative Take-Over Requests for Semi-Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems: Combining Spoken Language and Visual Icons in a Drone-Controller Setting., , , , и . CoRR, (2024)The Effect of Surrounding Scenery Complexity on the Transfer of Control Time in Highly Automated Driving., , , и . IUI, стр. 92-97. ACM, (2021)Why Do I Have to Take Over Control? Evaluating Safe Handovers with Advance Notice and Explanations in HAD., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). ICMI, стр. 308-317. ACM, (2021)Towards A Wearable for Deep Water Blackout Prevention., , и . AHs, стр. 33:1-33:3. ACM, (2020)How Machine Perception Relates to Human Perception: Visual Saliency and Distance in a Frame-by-Frame Semantic Segmentation Task for Highly/Fully Automated Driving., , , , и . SEFAIAS@ICSE, стр. 6-10. ACM, (2018)In the Eye of the Beholder: Which Proofs are Best?, , , и . Description Logics, том 2663 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)Auto(mobile): mobile visual interfaces for the road., , и . SIGGRAPH Mobile, стр. 6:1. ACM, (2012)