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Naturalness of the interaction in multimodal applications., and . ICSLP, page 563-566. ISCA, (1994)HomeSim: Comprehensive, smart, residential electrical energy simulation and scheduling., , , , and . IGCC, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)A Multilingual Approach to Task-Oriented Man-Machine Dialogue by voice., , , , and . IJPRAI, 2 (3): 573-588 (1988)A phoneme-similarity based ASR front-end., , and . ICASSP, page 33-36. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Gaussian dynamic warping (GDW) method applied to text-dependent speaker detection and verification., , and . INTERSPEECH, page 2013-2016. ISCA, (2003)Habitable interaction in goal-oriented multimodal dialogue systems., and . EUROSPEECH, page 1669-1672. ISCA, (1993)A flexible multimodal dialogue architecture independent of the application., , and . ICSLP, page 939-942. ISCA, (1992)Observation of Manakov polarization modulation instability in the normal dispersion regime of randomly birefringent telecom optical fiber., , , , , , , and . ECOC, page 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Word hypothesizer based on reliably detected phoneme similarity regions., and . EUROSPEECH, page 897-900. ISCA, (1995)Error correction and ambiguity resolution in multimodal man-machine dialogue., and . EUROSPEECH, page 1431-1434. ISCA, (1993)