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SCHeMa: Scheduling Scientific Containers on a Cluster of Heterogeneous Machines., , , , , and . SSDBM, page 243-247. ACM, (2021)Handling the distribution of information in the TMN., , and . Integrated Network Management, volume 11 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 398-411. Chapman & Hall, (1995)Managing the TMN., , , and . IS&N, volume 998 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 200-210. Springer, (1995)Unified Fault, Resource Management and Control in ATM-based IBCN., , , , and . Integrated Network Management, volume 86 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 262-274. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Lexicographically Optimal Balanced Networks., , , and . INFOCOM, page 689-698. IEEE Comptuer Society, (2001)MR-microT: a MapReduce-based MicroRNA target prediction method., , , , , , and . SSDBM, page 47:1-47:4. ACM, (2014)Multilevel QoS-Policy based routing management architecture appropriate for heterogeneous network environments., and . Broadband European Networks and Multimedia Services, volume 3408 of SPIE Proceedings, page 128-138. SPIE, (1998)