Author of the publication

For or Against?: Polarity Analysis in Tweets about Impeachment Process of Brazil President.

, , , , , and . WebMedia, page 335-338. ACM, (2016)

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Detecting Hate, Offensive, and Regular Speech in Short Comments., , , and . WebMedia, page 225-228. ACM, (2017)For or Against?: Polarity Analysis in Tweets about Impeachment Process of Brazil President., , , , , and . WebMedia, page 335-338. ACM, (2016)Sentiment Analysis of Portuguese Comments from Foursquare., , , , and . WebMedia, page 355-358. ACM, (2016)Um Método de Detecção de Regiões Funcionais Utilizando Dados de Redes Sociais., , , , , , and . SBRC, (2017)On the Analysis of Users Engaged in Twitter's Trend Topics., , , and . WebMedia, page 441-448. ACM, (2017)Audiovisual Design for Generative Systems: A Customized Audiovisual Experiment., , , and . HCI (7), volume 11572 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 377-388. Springer, (2019)HCI Methods and Practices for Audiovisual Systems and Their Potential Contribution to Universal Design for Learning: A Systematic Literature Review., , , , and . HCI (7), volume 11572 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 526-541. Springer, (2019)Applying Designing Lines to Develop Audiovisual Systems., , , , , , and . HCI (1), volume 12181 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 3-19. Springer, (2020)