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On Achievable SNR Region for Multi-User Multi-Carrier Asynchronous Bidirectional Relay Networks., и . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 14 (6): 3219-3230 (2015)Sum-Rate Maximization for Active Channels With Unequal Subchannel Noise Powers., и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 62 (16): 4187-4198 (2014)Achievable SNR and rate regions for OFDM-based asynchronous two-way relay networks., и . SPAWC, стр. 105-109. IEEE, (2014)MMSE-Based Channel Estimation for Hybrid Beamforming Massive MIMO with Correlated Channels., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 5015-5019. IEEE, (2020)Semi-Blind Channel Estimation for Frequency-Selective Massive MIMO Systems., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Relay selection in energy harvesting two-way communication networks., , и . PIMRC, стр. 966-970. IEEE, (2015)Hybrid Analog and Digital Beamforming Design for Channel Estimation in Correlated Massive MIMO Systems., , , и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., (2021)Super-twisting sliding mode controller with self-tuning adaptive gains., , , и . Eur. J. Control, (2022)Free-will arbitrary time stabilisation problem for a class of nonlinear strict-feedback systems based on the backstepping method., , , и . Int. J. Control, 96 (11): 2749-2761 (ноября 2023)Super-twisting control of offshore wind turbine in region III with self-tuning adaptive gains., , и . VSS, стр. 172-177. IEEE, (2022)