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Content-bootstrapped Collaborative Filtering for Medical Article Recommendations., и . BIBM, стр. 1184-1188. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Using the machine learning approach to predict patient survival from high-dimensional survival data., , и . BIBM, стр. 1234-1238. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)PLELog: Semi-Supervised Log-Based Anomaly Detection via Probabilistic Label Estimation., , , , , , и . ICSE (Companion Volume), стр. 230-231. IEEE, (2021)Flexible and Adaptive Fairness-aware Learning in Non-stationary Data Streams., , , , , , , и . ICTAI, стр. 399-406. IEEE, (2020)A Deterministic Self-Organizing Map Approach and its Application on Satellite Data based Cloud Type Classification., , , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 2027-2034. IEEE, (2018)Automated Rehabilitation Exercises Assessment in Wearable Sensor Data Streams., , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 5302-5304. IEEE, (2018)A Data-driven Human Responsibility Management System., , , , , , , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 5834-5838. IEEE, (2020)Selection and processing of surface roughness for mechanical parts., , и . EMEIT, стр. 4258-4261. IEEE, (2011)Online Calibration Study of Non-Contact Current Sensors for Three-Phase Four-Wire Power Cables., , , , , , , и . Sensors, 23 (5): 2391 (марта 2023)Application of morphological wavelet and permutation entropy in gear fault recognition., , , , , и . Evol. Intell., 15 (4): 2427-2436 (2022)