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Biology-inspired multimodal tactile sensor system.. ROSE, стр. 54-59. IEEE, (2011)Unsupervised texture segmentation for 2D probabilistic occupancy maps., , и . ROSE, стр. 43-48. IEEE, (2005)A mixed framework to support heterogeneous collection asset scheduling., , , , , и . GECCO (Companion), стр. 1606-1614. ACM, (2019)A multi-objective optimization approach to Reliable Robot-Assisted Sensor Relocation., , , и . CEC, стр. 956-964. IEEE, (2015)Dynamic white-box software testing using a recursive hybrid evolutionary strategy/genetic algorithm., , и . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2525-2532. IEEE, (2013)Data compression using mixed cascade of nonlinear logic., , , , , , , и . I2MTC, стр. 1544-1549. IEEE, (2013)Designing elementary-tree space compressors using AND/NAND and XOR/XNOR combinations., , , , , , и . I2MTC, стр. 1408-1413. IEEE, (2015)In-Hand Telemanipulation Using a Robotic Hand and Biology-Inspired Haptic Sensing., , , , , и . MeMeA, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Optimal motion prediction using a primitive-based model-free iterative control approach for crane systems., , и . ICIT, стр. 366-372. IEEE, (2015)A 3-D anthropometric-muscle-based active appearance model., и . IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 55 (1): 91-98 (2006)