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Statistical Physics, и . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, (1958)Quantum Electrodynamics, Second Edition: Volume 4, , и . Butterworth-Heinemann, 2 издание, (15.01.1982)Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, Second Edition: Volume 8 (Course of Theoretical Physics), , и . Butterworth-Heinemann, 2 издание, (15.01.1984)Statistical Physics, Part 2: Volume 9 (Course of Theoretical Physics Vol. 9), и . Butterworth-Heinemann, (15.01.1980)Statistical Physics, , и . Pergamon, (1980)Theory of Elasticity, и . Course of Theoretical Physics Pergamon Press, London, (1959)Fluid Mechanics, и . Course of Theoretical Physics Pergamon, (1959)Statistical physics. Pt.1, и . (1969)Statistical Physics, и . Butterworth-Heinemann, 3 издание, (15.01.1980)Theory of Elasticity, Third Edition: Volume 7 (Theoretical Physics), , , и . Butterworth-Heinemann, 3 издание, (15.01.1986)