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Other publications of authors with the same name

Continuity of Academic Work through e-Learning during the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Case of Ghana., , , , , and . CSEDU (2), page 216-224. SCITEPRESS, (2021)Anchored Model Transfer and Soft Instance Transfer for Cross-Task Cross-Domain Learning: A Study Through Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification., , , , and . WWW, page 2754-2760. ACM / IW3C2, (2020)Predicting the Quality of Web Services Based on User Stability., , , , and . SCC, page 860-863. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis via a Syntax-Based Neural Network., , , , and . IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., (2022)Word Sense Disambiguation by Refining Target Word Embedding., , , , , , and . WWW, page 1405-1414. ACM, (2023)A Neural Bag-of-Words Modelling Framework for Link Prediction in Knowledge Bases with Sparse Connectivity., , , , , and . WWW, page 2929-2935. ACM, (2019)A Transformational Biencoder with In-Domain Negative Sampling for Zero-Shot Entity Linking., , , , and . ACL (Findings), page 1449-1458. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)A Hierarchical N-Gram Framework for Zero-Shot Link Prediction., , , , , and . EMNLP (Findings), page 2498-2509. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Explicit Role Interaction Network for Event Argument Extraction., , , , and . EMNLP (Findings), page 3475-3485. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Via Convolution over Dependency Tree., , , , and . EMNLP/IJCNLP (1), page 5678-5687. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2019)