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A general framework for the statistical analysis of the sources of variance for classification error estimators.

, , and . Pattern Recognit., 46 (3): 855-864 (2013)

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A general framework for the statistical analysis of the sources of variance for classification error estimators., , and . Pattern Recognit., 46 (3): 855-864 (2013)On the Taxonomy of Optimization Problems Under Estimation of Distribution Algorithms., , , and . Evol. Comput., 21 (3): 471-495 (2013)An efficient K-means algorithm for Massive Data., , and . CoRR, (2016)A review on outlier/anomaly detection in time series data., , , and . CoRR, (2020)Probabilistic Load Forecasting Based on Adaptive Online Learning., , and . CoRR, (2020)Parallel and Multi-Objective EDAs to Create Multivariate Calibration Models for Quantitative Chemical Applications., , , , and . ICPP Workshops, page 596-603. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Hybrid Heuristics for the Linear Ordering Problem., , and . CEC, page 1431-1438. IEEE, (2019)The Plackett-Luce ranking model on permutation-based optimization problems., , and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 494-501. IEEE, (2013)Symmetry in evolutionary and estimation of distribution algorithms., , and . IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, page 2053-2060. IEEE, (2013)Evolving MNK-landscapes with structural constraints., , and . CEC, page 1364-1371. IEEE, (2015)