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Leadership Based Agent Architecture.

, and . Knowledge Intensive CAD, volume 207 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 13-26. Kluwer, (2000)

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Geometric Exemplars., , and . Knowledge Intensive CAD, volume 207 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 45-58. Kluwer, (2000)Assembly Time Estimation: Assembly Mate Based Structural Complexity Metric Predictive Modeling., and . J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., (2014)Influence of Design Representation on Effectivess of Idea Generation, , , and . ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, (2001)A review of cost estimation models for determining assembly automation level., , , and . Comput. Ind. Eng., (2016)Case-Based Design Facilitated by the Design Exemplar., , and . AID, page 453-476. Springer, (2002)An agent-based system approach to fixture design., , and . Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 36 (3/4): 284-296 (2009)Evaluation of System-Directed Multimodal Systems for Vehicle Inspection., , , , , , and . J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., (2013)Evaluation of a customizable haptic feedback system for ground vehicle steer-by-wire interfaces., , , , , and . ACC, page 2781-2787. IEEE, (2012)A cost estimation model to support automation decision in assembly systems design., , , , and . Int. J. Prod. Res., 56 (24): 7426-7443 (2018)Evaluating the Use of Artificial Neural Networks and Graph Complexity to Predict Automotive Assembly Quality Defects., , , , , and . J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng., (2017)