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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Molecular Determinants of Binding to the Plasmodium Subtilisin-like Protease 1., , , , und . Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 53 (3): 573-583 (2013)Context-Guided Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Molecular and Protein Design., , , , und . ICML,, (2024)Freely Available Conformer Generation Methods: How Good Are They?, , und . J. Chem. Inf. Model., 52 (5): 1146-1158 (2012)Learning from Docked Ligands: Ligand-Based Features Rescue Structure-Based Scoring Functions When Trained on Docked Poses., , und . J. Chem. Inf. Model., 62 (22): 5329-5341 (2022)Automated Docking with Protein Flexibility in the Design of Femtomolar "Click Chemistry" Inhibitors of Acetylcholinesterase., , , , , , und . Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 53 (4): 898-906 (2013)Understanding Ring Puckering in Small Molecules and Cyclic Peptides., , und . J. Chem. Inf. Model., 61 (2): 743-755 (2021)Exploring QSAR models for activity-cliff prediction., , , und . J. Cheminformatics, 15 (1): 47 (Dezember 2023)Automated docking using a Lamarckian genetic algorithm and an empirical binding free energy function, , , , , , und . Journal of Computational Chemistry, 19 (14): 1639--1662 (Januar 1999)Drug Discovery under Covariate Shift with Domain-Informed Prior Distributions over Functions., , , , , , und . ICML, Volume 202 von Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Seite 17176-17197. PMLR, (2023)It is theoretically possible to avoid misfolding into non-covalent lasso entanglements using small molecule drugs., , , und . PLoS Comput. Biol., 20 (3): 1011901 (2024)