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Morphology of cerebral lesions in children with congenital hemiplegia. A study with computed tomography., , и . Neuroradiology, 32 (3): 179--186 (1990)Motor and sensory dysfunctions in children with mental retardation and epilepsy., , и . Seizure, 6 (1): 43--50 (февраля 1997)Overt hydrocephalus at birth--origin and outcome., , и . Childs Nerv Syst, 3 (6): 350--353 (1987)Speech in children with cerebral palsy., и . Acta Paediatr, 83 (7): 779 (июля 1994)Hemiplegic cerebral paresis--brain injury with predominantly a prenatal background?. Lakartidningen, 81 (41): 3708--3711 (октября 1984)Impairments, disabilities and handicaps in children and adolescents with epilepsy., и . Acta Paediatr, 86 (3): 254--260 (марта 1997)Hemiplegic cerebral palsy: correlation between CT morphology and clinical findings., и . Dev Med Child Neurol, 33 (6): 512--523 (июня 1991)Disabilities in children with hydrocephalus--a population-based study of children aged between four and twelve years., , и . Neuropediatrics, 37 (6): 330--336 (декабря 2006)Motor and sensory impairments in children with intractable epilepsy., и . Epilepsia, 34 (5): 924--929 (1993)Gross and fine motor function and accompanying impairments in cerebral palsy., , , и . Dev Med Child Neurol, 48 (6): 417--423 (июня 2006)