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Portfolio theory and investment management, и . Robertson, Oxford, (1983)Forecasting practice: A review of the empirical literature and an agenda for future research, , и . International Journal of Forecasting, 12 (2): 193--221 (июня 1996)Forecasting tourism demand: A review of empirical research, и . International Journal of Forecasting, 11 (3): 447--475 (сентября 1995)Univariate versus multivariate time series forecasting: an application to international tourism demand, и . International Journal of Forecasting, 19 (3): 435--451 (00 2003)Tourism forecasting: accuracy of alternative econometric models, , и . International Journal of Forecasting, 19 (1): 123--141 (00 2003)Time varying parameter and fixed parameter linear AIDS: An application to tourism demand forecasting, , и . International Journal of Forecasting, 22 (1): 57--71 (00 2006)Forecasting tourism demand: A comparison of the accuracy of several quantitative methods, и . International Journal of Forecasting, 5 (1): 7--19 (1989)Forecasting a collection of binomial proportions in the presence of covariates, , и . International Journal of Forecasting, 14 (1): 5--15 (01.03.1998)