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Holistic Shape Recognition: Where-to-Look and How-to-Look.. Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision, Springer, (2013)Balanced Graph Matching., , и . NIPS, стр. 313-320. MIT Press, (2006)Fine-Grained Egocentric Hand-Object Segmentation: Dataset, Model, and Applications., , , и . ECCV (29), том 13689 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 127-145. Springer, (2022)Nearest Neighbors Meet Deep Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis., , , и . WACV, стр. 1246-1255. IEEE, (2023)Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation., и . CVPR, стр. 731-737. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Motion Segmentation and Tracking Using Normalized Cuts., и . ICCV, стр. 1154-1160. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System., , , , и . ICCV, стр. 750. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Object-Specific Figure-Ground Segregation., и . CVPR (2), стр. 39-45. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Object Recognition using Boosted Discriminants., , и . CVPR (1), стр. 551-. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Force from Motion: Decoding Physical Sensation in a First Person Video., , и . CVPR, стр. 3834-3842. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)