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SEMPER: A Stateless Traffic Engineering Solution for WAN Based on MP-TCP., , , , , и . ICC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Energy-Efficient Optimization for Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling., , и . IEEE Communications Letters, 18 (6): 1083-1086 (2014)Special Issue: Green Communications., , , и . Comput. Networks, (2015)Nuberu: a reliable DU design suitable for virtualization platforms., , , , , и . MobiCom, стр. 862-864. ACM, (2021)CARMEN: resource management and abstraction in wireless heterogeneous mesh networks., , , , и . SIGCOMM, стр. 481-482. ACM, (2010)Defining a Standardized Information Model for Multi-Source Representation of Breast Cancer Data., , , , , , , , , и 2 other автор(ы). MIE, том 270 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 1243-1244. IOS Press, (2020)Development of an information model for a regional shared EHR based on the concurrent use of EN 13904 and ISO 13606 standards., , , , , , и . MIE, том 210 из Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, стр. 1008-1009. IOS Press, (2015)A CARMEN mesh experience: deployment and results., , , , , и . WOWMOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Performance trade-offs of auto scaling schemes for NFV with reliability requirements., , , , , и . Comput. Commun., (декабря 2023)Contributions of the digital photogrammetry and 3D modelling of Roman inscriptions to the reading of damaged tituli: An example from the Hispania Tarraconensis (Castiliscar, Saragossa)., и . Digit. Appl. Archaeol. Cult. Heritage, (2019)