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Other publications of authors with the same name

ADI-Minebio: A Graph Mining Algorithm for Biomedical Data., , , and . J. Inf. Data Manag., 2 (3): 433-446 (2011)Faster Cloud Star Joins with Reduced Disk Spill and Network Communication., , , and . ICCS, volume 80 of Procedia Computer Science, page 74-85. Elsevier, (2016)SOLAP Query Processing over IoT Networks in Smart Cities: A Novel Architecture., , and . GEOINFO, page 118-129. MCTIC/INPE, (2020)An Efficient Flash-aware Spatial Index for Points., , , , , and . GEOINFO, page 68-79. MCTIC/INPE, (2018)Reconciliando Dados de Cunho Acadêmico., , and . SBBD, page 283-297. SBC, (2008)Distribuindo os Dados do Data Warehouse., and . SBBD, page 346-360. CEFET-PB, (2000)An Environment for Data Analysis in Biomedical Domain: Information Extraction for Decision Support Systems., , , , , and . IEA/AIE (1), volume 6096 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 306-316. Springer, (2010)The Onion-Tree: Quick Indexing of Complex Data in the Main Memory., , , , , and . ADBIS, volume 5739 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 235-252. Springer, (2009)nsP-index: A Robust and Persistent Index for Nucleotide Sequences., , , and . ADBIS (local proceedings), page 28-41. Tampere University of Technology. Pori. Publication, (2008)ImgDW Generator: a Tool for Generating Data for Medical Image Data Warehouses., and . SBBD Companion, page 23-28. SBC, (2018)