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An algorithm to interpolate concavities., and . SAC, page 543-550. ACM, (2021)Convoy Detection using Sequence Alignment., and . IWCTS@SIGSPATIAL, page 8:1-8:4. ACM, (2019)Geometric and thematic integration of spatial data into maps.. IRI, page 201-206. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society, (2010)Region Extraction and Verification for Spatial and Spatio-temporal Databases.. SSDBM, volume 5566 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 598-607. Springer, (2009)Per segment plane sweep line segment intersection on the GPU., and . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 68:1-68:4. ACM, (2022)A Generator for 2D Moving Regions., and . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 159-162. ACM, (2020)Aging in Place: Challenges for Smart & Resilient Communities., and . ARIC@SIGSPATIAL, page 1-2. ACM, (2018)Improving the Performance of Constructive Multi-Start Search Using Record-Keeping., , and . IEA/AIE, volume 7345 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 176-186. Springer, (2012)Temporal coverage aggregates over moving region streams., , , and . IWGS, page 21-24. ACM, (2014)Geospatial overlay computation on the GPU., , , and . GIS, page 473-476. ACM, (2011)