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Systematic Aid for Developing Middleware Architectures

, , and . Communications of the ACM, 45 (6): 53--59 (June 2002)

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Systematic Aid for Developing Middleware Architectures, , and . Communications of the ACM, 45 (6): 53--59 (June 2002)The Strategy Configuration Problem and How to Solve It.. EuroPLoP, page 9:1-9:11. ACM, (2021)Cross-layer Networking for Peer Databases over Wireless Ad-Hoc Communities., , , and . ICC, page 3443-3448. IEEE, (2007)Joint Source and Schema Evolution: Insights from a Study of 195 FOSS Projects., , , and . EDBT, page 27-39., (2023)Parallel lives diagrams for co-evolving communities and their application to schema evolution., , , , and . ER (Companion), volume 3618 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)A Safari for Deviating GoF Pattern Definitions and Examples on the Web., and . ER, volume 14320 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 181-197. Springer, (2023)Two Patterns, a study and a message for the validation of our patterns.. EuroPLoP, page 13:1-13:6. ACM, (2023)Survival in Schema Evolution: Putting the Lives of Survivor and Dead Tables in Counterpoint., and . CAiSE, volume 10253 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 333-347. Springer, (2017)Multi-view description of software architectures., , and . ISAW@FSE, page 81-84. ACM, (1998)Towards Systematic Synthesis of Reflective Middleware., , and . Reflection, volume 1616 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 144-146. Springer, (1999)