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Slow dynamics in self-organizing systems, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 314 (1-4): 567--574 (Nov 1, 2002)Statistical theory of the continuous double auction, , , and . (2002)cite arxiv:cond-mat/0210475Comment: 36 pages, 40 figures, RevTex4, submitted to Quantitative Finance.An analytical study of a structured overlay in the presence of dynamic membership., , , and . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 16 (4): 814-825 (2008)Balanced K-SAT and Biased random K-SAT on trees, , and . CoRR, (2012)Aging and self-organization of shear bands in granular materials, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 274 (1-2): 374--380 (Dec 1, 1999)Statistical theory of the continuous double auction, , , and . Quantitative Finance, 3 (6): 481--514 (2003)Circumspect descent prevails in solving random constraint satisfaction problems., , , , , , and . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 105 (40): 15253-15257 (2008)A Statistical Theory of Chord Under Churn., , , and . IPTPS, volume 3640 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 93-103. Springer, (2005)On the behaviour of random K-SAT on trees, and . Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2012 (05): P05009+ (May 11, 2012)An alternate view of complexity in k-SAT problems., and . CoRR, (2014)