Author of the publication

Product Data Integration Framework for Synergetic CAD Systems.

, , , and . Towards World Class Manufacturing, volume B-17 of IFIP Transactions, page 275-297. North-Holland, (1993)

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An Execution and Transaction Model for Active, Rule-Based Component Integration Middleware., , , and . EDCIS, volume 2480 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 403-417. Springer, (2002)A Process History Capture System for Analysis of Data Dependencies in Concurrent Process Execution., , and . DEECS, volume 4055 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 152-166. Springer, (2006)Process Dependencies and Process Interference Rules for Analyzing the Impact of Failure in a Service Composition Environment., and . BIS, volume 4439 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 67-81. Springer, (2007)Database infrastructure for supporting engineering design histories., , , , and . Comput. Aided Des., 28 (5): 347-360 (1996)Constraint Analysis: A Design Process for Specifying Operations on Objects., and . IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2 (4): 391-400 (1990)CDOL: A Comprehensive Declarative Object Language., , , , and . Data Knowl. Eng., 22 (1): 67-111 (1997)Metadata Extensions to an Object-Oriented Data Model for the Dynamic Capture of Engineering Design Histories., , , , , and . DS-6, volume 74 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 573-600. Chapman & Hall, (1995)Translating Constraints to Rules in Context: A Constraint Explanation Tool., and . DS-4, page 373-392. North-Holland, (1990)Constraint Analysis for Specifying Perspectives of Class Objects., and . ICDE, page 10-17. IEEE Computer Society, (1989)An Overview of the ASU Engineering Database Project: Interoperability in Engineering Design., , and . RIDE-IMS, page 73-76. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)