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Interoperability in a heterogeneous environment for engineering design.

, , and . COMPSAC, page 270-275. IEEE, (1994)

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Interoperability in a heterogeneous environment for engineering design., , and . COMPSAC, page 270-275. IEEE, (1994)Router buffer sizing revisited: the role of the output/input capacity ratio., , and . CoNEXT, page 15. ACM, (2007)Effects of Interrupt Coalescence on Network Measurements., , and . PAM, volume 3015 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 247-256. Springer, (2004)A 160MSPS 8-Bit Pipeline Based ADC., , , , and . VLSI Design, page 313-318. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An 8-bit 1.8 V 500 MS/s CMOS DAC with a novel four-stage current steering architecture., , , , and . ISCAS, page 149-152. IEEE, (2008)IT Outsourcing Strategies: The Case of Indian Banking Sector., , and . IJABIM, 2 (3): 27-39 (2011)Multichannel EfficientNet B7 with attention mechanism using multimodal biometric- based authentication for ATM transaction., and . Multiagent Grid Syst., 20 (2): 89-108 (2024)A Systematic Review on Automatic Speech Recognition for Odia Language., , , and . FICTA (2), volume 371 of Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, page 97-109. Springer, (2023)Measuring the Congestion Responsiveness of Internet Traffic., and . PAM, volume 4427 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 176-185. Springer, (2007)Beyond the Model of Persistent TCP Flows: Open-Loop vs Closed-Loop Arrivals of Non-persistent Flows., and . Annual Simulation Symposium, page 121-130. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)