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A LoRa Based Reliable and Low Power Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication Architecture.

, , , and . iSES, page 177-182. IEEE, (2020)

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A LoRa Based Reliable and Low Power Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communication Architecture., , , and . iSES, page 177-182. IEEE, (2020)BFA-Sense: Learning Beamforming Feedback Angles for Wi-Fi Sensing., , and . PerCom Workshops, page 575-580. IEEE, (2024)Wi-BFI: Extracting the IEEE 802.11 Beamforming Feedback Information from Commercial Wi-Fi Devices., , and . WiNTECH, page 104-111. ACM, (2023)BeamSense: Rethinking Wireless Sensing with MU-MIMO Wi-Fi Beamforming Feedback., , , and . CoRR, (2023)Advancement of Routing Protocols and Applications of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN) - A Survey., , and . J. Sens. Actuator Networks, 9 (2): 19 (2020)SiMWiSense: Simultaneous Multi-Subject Activity Classification Through Wi-Fi Signals., , and . WoWMoM, page 46-55. IEEE, (2023)Dataset for Simultaneous Multi-Subject Activity Classification Through Wi-Fi Signals.. (December 2023)SAWEC: Sensing-Assisted Wireless Edge Computing., , , and . CoRR, (2024)D2D-LoRa Latency Analysis: An Indoor Application Perspective., , , , and . WF-IoT, page 29-34. IEEE, (2021)An Energy-Efficient and Reliable RPL for IoT., , , and . WF-IoT, page 1-2. IEEE, (2020)