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Evaluation of the Reliability of Emergency Networks under Time Constraints., и . CASE, стр. 259-263. IEEE, (2006)An ultra-high ramp rate arbitrary waveform generator for communication and radar applications., , , , , и . IEICE Electron. Express, 12 (3): 20141163 (2015)Inference for heavy tailed distributions, , и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 66 (1): 61--75 (05.01.1998)A kernelized discriminant analysis algorithm based on modified generalized singular value decomposition., , и . ICASSP, стр. 1353-1356. IEEE, (2008)CMOS 1.2V bandgap voltage reference design., , , , и . ASICON, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2013)Apply an automatic parameter selection method to generalized discriminant analysis with RBF kernel for hyperspectral image classification., , , , и . ICMLC, стр. 253-258. IEEE, (2013)Contrast gain control for color image quality., , , , и . Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, том 3299 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 194-201. SPIE, (1998)Nonorthogonal orbital based N-body reduced density matrices and their applications to valence bond theory. I. Hamiltonian matrix elements between internally contracted excited valence bond wave functions, , и . The Journal of Chemical Physics, 138 (16): 164119 (апреля 2013)Stochastic behavioral modeling of analog/mixed-signal circuits by maximizing entropy., , , и . ISQED, стр. 572-579. IEEE, (2013)On a Class of Semi-Positive Tensors in Tensor Complementarity Problem., и . J. Optimization Theory and Applications, 177 (1): 127-136 (2018)