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An empirical evaluation of the overconfidence hypothesis, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (9): 2489--2515 (сентября 2006)Solving, estimating, and testing a nonlinear stochastic equilibrium model, with an example of the asset returns and inflation relationship. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 13 (4): 499--531 (октября 1989)Comovements of earnings, dividends, and stock prices. Journal of Empirical Finance, 3 (4): 327--346 (декабря 1996)Public debt, monetization and inflation : Evidence from the U.S. time series. Economics Letters, 19 (2): 145--148 (1985)A New Optical Design and Image Assessment of Ultrahigh Resolution Magnifying Endoscope for Sub-Cellular Imaging., и . METMBS, стр. 312-314. CSREA Press, (2003)A drought analysis method based on modis satellite imagery and AWS data., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 4862-4865. IEEE, (2017)Application of Landsat -8 and Sentinel-L Images for Drought Monitoring Over the Korean Peninsula., , , , и . IGARSS, стр. 7286-7288. IEEE, (2018)Design and performance analysis of the MC-CDMA., и . PIMRC, стр. 2230-2233. IEEE, (2003)On the dual characteristics of closed-end country funds, и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 21 (5): 589--618 (октября 2002)On the rationality of Korea's stock market: was the recent Korean financial crisis due to fundamental factors?, , и . Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions and Money, 11 (3-4): 423--441 (00 2001)